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Port Maria Hospital Started Monday with our first work day at Port Maria Hospital. All of the staff was friendly and helpful. Thank goodness for Dr. Hayden-Peart!!! After being at work for more than 24 hours, she gracefully gave us a tour of the facility and a detailed orientation. It ended up being the A&E day of “twins”. We saw and evaluated 3 sets of twins by the end of the day. On Tuesday, we stayed in the A&E department and saw an array of patients including diagnoses of bronchiolitis, allergic reaction, broken arms and a patient with a history of G6PD deficiency. We ended our work day observing the ortho techs in action. On our way home with Ms. Nadia (one of the health administrators), she gave a great overview of the Jamaican health system. She gave great insight on programs or policies that could be implemented to help all involved – health providers and patients.
Our last set of twins for the day. Photo consent given by parent.

Our last set of twins for the day. Photo consent given by parent.

“Ramos Rounds”: There were six patients on the ward this week. Two premature infants, one term newborn admitted for respiratory distress as well as children with status epilepticus, status asthmatics and bronchiolitis. We had an review discussion on atypical pneumonia, bronchiolitis and hyperbilirubinemia. Clinic was filled with some newborns, but mainly follow up patients for asthma and referrals. The A&E was filled with lots of injuries secondary to Sports Day (field day) or falls. Roxanne had the pleasure of placing sutures in the eyebrow of a very anxious and strong 6 year old girl…without any versed or EMLA cream or lidocaine in a very hot room. Thanks to Nicole and helpful mother she still has both eyes and symmetrical eyebrows.
successful sutures and smiles. Consent given by parent for photo.

successful sutures and smiles. Consent given by parent for photo.

Dr. Wilson (Annotto Bay A&E) was awesome as usual! He always stops whatever he is doing to assist us with questions, obtaining supplies or navigating the health system. By the way he is super patient with you trying to get an IV in a 2 week old newborn (practice means less tears).  After it all, we ended the week with lots of hugs. Themes of the week:
  • Everyone was eating, ordering or buying Bun and cheese – EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE – Happy Easter!
  • Nicole discovered her love for June Plum juice
  • Home addresses are more like directions (e.g. District, Parish. Blue and white house on the left after turning left at the Baptist church).
  • You can make a spacer for albuterol (Ventolin) inhaler by cutting the bottom out of a Styrofoam cup or small water bottle.
  • There is nothing better than a hug from patient.
  • When in doubt call the pharmacy.
  Until next week, Nicole & Roxanne
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On our first full day in Jamaica, we climbed the world famous Dunn’s River Falls all the way to the top. It was a great team building exercise to get us mentally ready for the week. The first few days of work have been filled with a mixture of interesting patients, new faces and trying to navigate systems-based practice in a developing country. Each morning, we awaken to melodic sounds from the birds outside of our windows as we prepare to start our day. Prior to reaching the health facilities, we spend 20 minutes to 2 hours traveling along narrow winding roads, but are privy to picturesque ocean views, scenic mountain greenery and the early hustle and bustle for local Jamaicans as they travel to work or school. Rounds on the ward: An ex-29 week preemie who is small yet vigorous laid in an incubator next to an ex-26 week preemie who has apnea and requires continuous resuscitation. Both babies are premature, both in need of ventilators not available, but the latter only survived six hours after we were first introduced to him. He is the fifth child lost for his mother (all born prematurely) and only to think if his life could be saved if the necessary equipment was available – all the incubators were being used at the referring facilities. Two other infants were discharged home having improved after meconium aspiration syndrome and neonatal seizures. The last two patients (4 and 10 years old) were admitted for sickle cell pain crises. The first child had a medical course complicated by a history of rheumatic fever with subsequent heart failure, now improved on aspirin and diuretics. The older intermittently cried out as he awaited his pain medication; no PCA’s are available. We did get to hold plain film radiographs for the first time!!! Accident & Emergency (A&E): The equivalent of the Emergency Room is staffed by non-pediatricians, but they were excited that we saw their pediatric patients (ages 12 and under). Trying to navigate the forms, resources available and medications in stock were the largest challenges. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Chief complaints ranged from upper respiratory tract symptoms to dehydration to imaging follow ups. The biggest concern by parents and health workers was H1N1 or flu as evident by the white masks worn by all the staff.   Annotto Bay Clinic: Thursday morning is typically newborn clinic and chronic disease (i.e. asthma) follow-ups. The day was commenced with torrential rain. A car we passed on the road had slid into the ditch and only a few mothers made it to clinic that day. We were greeted by a sea of infants, tightly bundled and breastfeeding in the waiting area as they awaited their first well baby visit. We were greeted by cooing smiles and their mothers gave us many thank-yous.   Port Antonio A&E: The busiest day of the week!!  After a two –hour commute, we were met with a room full of parents and children who waiting hours to be seen by a Pediatrician. We were directed into a small room (about the size of a standard bathroom) to see our patients. Initially we started with 8 dockets (aka patient charts), as we got settled in the nurse handed us 3 more dockets. It seemed like every few minutes a new patient were being added to the list. In about 3.5 hours we saw 13 patients. To close out the day we had to admit a 13yr old male with a textbook picture of new onset type 1 diabetes. Although we were able to get blood via venipuncture for initial labs, multiple attempts at IV placement were unsuccessful before departing for the day. As pediatricians we both have become accustomed to looking at the patient electronic medical record to follow up patient care even after hand-off, but here it’s more so,” I hope he will be okay” and that what we did was the right thing. It was surely a rough day; thankfully we were able to work as a team. Lessons Learned:
  1. Dandelions supposedly help with preventing prostate cancer?
  2. The pharmacy can close at any time, leaving patients having to return for medications or not obtain them at all if they have no means to travel back to fill their prescriptions.
  3. Remember to ask if your patients have running water, a refrigerator or transportation to return for follow-up. This will play a role in clinical advice, management and decision-making.
  4. “Yeh Mon” is used by as a noun, verb, adjective and greeting constantly by all the hotel guests and staff – absolutely hilarious!
  5. Keep the patient charts in the correct order or your will corrected swiftly by frustrated parents, fussy children, and nurses.
  6. Check in with the pharmacy for each location on the first time going to get a run down on what medications are available.
  Until next week, Nicole & Roxanne
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[Click Here] to Register for the Issa Trust Foundation Pediatric Education Conference to provide practitioners with general information regarding pediatric cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology-oncology and genetics.

Dates & Times: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. July 18 to 22, 2016 Lunch and Refreshments Provided

Location:  Couples Sans Souci, Ocho Rios Conference Room

Seminar Description: Who should enroll: This seminar will provide practitioners with general information regarding pediatric cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology-oncology and genetics. The educational program will be geared toward “take home” messages that can be instituted in to medical practice. In addition to didactic lectures, interactive sessions, team-based learning objectives and newborn resuscitation skill sessions and simulation will be incorporated into the seminar.

  • Jeffrey Segar MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iowa. Course Director. Medical Director, Issa Trust Foundation
  • Rolla Abu-Arja MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital/Ohio State University
  • Princy Ghera MD, MBBS, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iowa
  • Luis Ochoa MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iowa
  • Riad Rahhal MD, MS, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iowa
  • Pamela Trapane MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iowa
Monday, July 18th
9:00a – 9:15a Introduction, Overview of Program, Distribute materials
9:15a – 10:00a Neutropenia/thrombocytopenia
10:00a – 11:00a Anemia
11:00a – 12:00p Palpitations/dizziness/”racing heart”/dysthymias
12:00p – 1:00p Lunch
1:00p – 2:00p Sickle Cell update
2:00p – 3:00p Pediatric Hypertension
Review of neonatal resuscitation, hands on with simulation – bag/mask ventilation, intubation, umbilical line placement (will limit participant number each day)
Tuesday, July 19th
9:00a –10:00a Evaluation of Abdominal Pain
10:00a – 11:00a Overview Pediatric Nutrition and malnutrition
11:00a – 12:00p Visual diagnoses:  genetic red flags in well checks
12:00p – 1:00p Lunch
1:00p – 2:00p Reflex and Vomiting
2:00p – 3:00p Connective tissue diseases
Review of neonatal resuscitation, hands on with simulation – bag/mask ventilation, intubation, umbilical line placement (will limit participant number each day)
Wednesday, July 20th
9:00a – 10:00a Asthma/reactive airway disease
10:00a – 11:00a Chronic cough
11:00a – 12:00p Congenital Heart disease
12:00p – 1:00p Lunch
1:00p – 2:00p Chest Pain: Lung, heart, muscle, bone
2:00p – 3:00p Break out sessions: meet the subspecialist
Review of neonatal resuscitation, hands on with simulation – bag/mask ventilation, intubation, umbilical line placement (will limit participant number each day)
Thursday, July 21st
9:00a – 9:00a GI “itis” : hepatitis, pancreatitis, esophagitis, gastritis
10:00a – 11:00a Introduction to oncology – when to be concerned and when to refer
11:00a – 12:00p Using online resources in medical care
12:00p – 1:00p Lunch
1:00p – 2:00p Upper respiratory diseases
2:00p – 3:00p Interesting Case presentations – audience presents to speakers
Review of neonatal resuscitation, hands on with simulation – bag/mask ventilation, intubation, umbilical line placement (will limit participant number each day)
Friday, July 22nd
9:00a –10:00a Acquired heart disease- Infection, rheumatic, valvular, tumors, cardiovascular involvement in systemic diseases
10:00a – 11:00a Early Childhood cardiovascular risks-
11:00a – 12:00p Constipation
12:00p – 1:00p Lunch
1:00p – 2:00p Respiratory Infections (from baby to adolescent)
2:00p – 3:00p Evaluating the “delayed” child
Review of neonatal resuscitation, hands on with simulation – bag/mask ventilation, intubation, umbilical line placement (will limit participant number each day)
Seminar Fee: JA$1,215.78 [US$10.00]

Conference registration has reached capacity, please watch for forthcoming information.

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