Week 2 brought more patients to see and a new location. Since we began in the middle of the week, we finally got to visit Port Maria Hospital and we absolutely loved it. There was always a great steady flow of patients…with many of the common pediatric conditions… cough, viral illness and asthma. We are getting into the routine… wake up, work out, breakfast, to the hospital, back to the hotel, beef patty, cappuccino, dinner, sleep and repeat. The hotel is very welcoming and feels like home now… On Friday of last week we visited Port Antonio hospital for the first time. Although we were located at the hospital we only saw patients in the clinic and accident/emergency. The hospital advertised our presence so as soon as we arrived we were handed 10-11 charts of waiting patients. We worked hard and was able to help a lot…. saw a child with unilateral breast mass, posterior auricular abscess that spontaneously began to drain during examination!! and a baby with bilateral polydactylyl. Can’t wait for week 3!! Until next time, Wanda Out!!

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