More than 1,200 children in St Mary get free eye exams

MORE than 1,200 children in St Mary recently received free eye examinations through a partnership between the Issa Trust Foundation, the non-profit arm of Couples Resorts, and Lions of Michigan.
Taken from the Jamaican Observer November 28, 2017

In fact, over the three days of the Vision Clinics, 178 pairs of glasses were dispensed.

The clinics were held at Retreat Primary and Junior High School and the Oracabessa Primary School. Over the three days, comprehensive eye exams to test the health of each child’s eyes and whether they needed glasses to improve their vision were provided free of cost.

A total of 1,259 children received eye examinations.

According to the foundation, the mission team consisted of optometrists, a medical doctor, a licensed optician, and five volunteer technicians who assisted in eye examinations and in fitting the glasses.

“All the glasses provided were previously used glasses that had been collected, sorted, cleaned, measured and shipped from the United States to Jamaica,” the foundation said yesterday. “Lions uses a computer program to search for the best glasses that they have in their supply, closest to the child’s prescription needs.”

A clinic was held at Couples Sans Souci for the adult staff of that hotel and Couples Tower Isle, where 252 employees were seen and 177 received glasses, the foundation said.

Lions Clubs International, is said to be the largest service organisation in the world, with 1.4 million members from 210 countries.

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