Another interesting and busy day at Port Antonio Acute Care. Steady patient flow, until closing… Many patients with cold symptoms/ URI. But one patient had acute onset facial rash and conjunctivitis (pictured below) treated for impetigo and bacterial conjunctivitis. Then I had another patient with presumed viral AGE, mother was giving coconut water and he was now well hydrated and active!!! Tried coconut water at the resort and it is delicious!! The nurses where great! For my first patient the nurse gathered much of the history before bringing the patient to me. Port Antonio had more resources than Annotto Bay. There was an otoscope and ophthalmoscope in the room, gloves and tongue depressors. Also, I found the vaccination schedule… BCG at birth and a lot less shots than in the US. Great way to end the week. Monday Port Maria for the first time, so I’m excited to see what’s it like there. ~

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