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It has been just over 24 hours since I arrived in Jamaica. Though it seems so distant, it truly was just yesterday that I was rushing to JFK airport, struggling with my bags (how have I not realized the beauty of curbside check in until now?!).  After that, there was only the unending line to security, 3 gate changes and a 1 hour flight time delay before finally we were off.  It was only once I was suspended above NY on my way to Jamaica that I allowed myself to grasp what was happening.  And what was happening was the opportunity of a lifetime. 10 years after graduating high school and leaving Jamaica for college I was coming back as a doctor to hopefully in some small way be able to give back to the country that had given me so much. I am still in disbelief that an organization like the Issa Trust Foundation even exists and so humbled by the work they have been doing in my home country over the past several years. When I heard of the opportunity I immediately started thinking of ways to make it possible for me to be here.  And now I’m here. This month will be a curious mixture of the foreign and the familiar. The culture, as well as the actual communities I will be working in, are familiar.  In fact one of the hospitals I will work at (Port Antonio) is about a 5 minute walk from the house where I grew up and where my parents still live. So I will literally be in my own backyard.  At the same time I am acutely aware of my lack of involvement with the Jamaican medical system to date. My entire medical training has taken place in New York, and I have no doubt that the differences will be stark, and at times jarring. Despite the challenges that may arise in the work setting, the most important thing is that I am home. It feels like home, looks like home, tastes like home and there’s no place in the world like it. RH
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My name is Kelsey Bayliss. I am a fourth year pharmacy student at the University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy. I am very fortunate for the opportunity to have participated as part of the 2013 medical mission team for the Issa Trust Foundation in Jamaica. I spent close to two weeks in Jamaica as part of my elective pharmacy rotation and it has been the most influential time spent on my journey to become a pharmacist. Not only did it strengthen my love for international healthcare and the pediatric population, but it really introduced me to a love of mission work and helping others that are less fortunate. Truly, it has been a life-changing experience. I was first introduced to the Issa Trust Foundation as a third year pharmacy student. My preceptor, on an experiential pharmacy rotation, was a pharmacist who has been a medical mission trip volunteer in Jamaica for many years. I helped package albendazole tablets for the 2012 mission and after learning about the Issa Trust Foundation and what they do for children in Jamaica, I knew I wanted to become more involved. A year later, I contacted the preceptor asking permission to join her as part of the 2013 medical mission team, and the rest is history. I was so excited to become part of the team and participate in my first mission, and now that it is over, I am even more excited for next year’s mission to be here! The experience I had while on the medical mission is very hard to express in words. I have never felt as empowered and fulfilled as what I did during my time with the children in Jamaica. They do not have the access to proper healthcare and medical resources and it was a very touching experience to be able to help provide that. Being able to counsel a parent on a medication, knowing that you giving them a chance to improve the life of their child is truly life-changing. The patients were always so grateful for our time spent and the resources we gave them. Children were just as grateful when you shared a smile, hug, or gave them a high-five. Just thinking of the time I was able to spend with the children brings a smile to my face. While on the mission, not every moment deserved a smile. Many of the children are in dire need of our help. Many of the children lack a safe and stable home-life and some children were reported to be eating only every other day due to lack of access to food. This is heart-shattering. My husband, Austin, had a little boy ask him if he could go home with us. After Austin sadly told him that he could not, he asked again with a serious, straight-face, “Are you sure I can’t go home with you?”  Hearing this, broke my heart. A request like this, from someone this young, showed us that he was one of those children that lacked a good home-life. Children like this, are the reason my husband and I have a strong desire to continue mission work with the Issa Trust Foundation in Jamaica. I saw examples everyday on how the Issa Trust Foundation has enriched the lives of children in Jamaica. Not only did this mission provide children with medical care that they needed and deserve, but the team was also able to provide eye glasses to those with need as well.  The children were very shy when approached about their new glasses, but after a well-deserved compliment, a heart-warming smile was generally the response the children gave. I will never forget my experience as part of the medical mission trip team in Jamaica. I had the opportunity to help change the lives of close to 900 children in five days on my pharmacy rotation. Keeping everything I have shared in mind, I would highly recommend fellow pharmacy students, health care professionals, or those with a love of children or international healthcare to strongly consider contributing and/or donating their time to the Issa Trust Foundation. I am for certain that I want to continue enriching the lives of children in Jamaica through the Issa Trust Foundation and I cannot wait for next year’s mission to arrive. What an amazing experience!    
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So I have to make a correction/retraction for Dr. Ramos. We had the discussion during ward rounds at Annotto Bay regarding my post about peds patients being transferred to Bustamante being “very sick”. In fact many of the very sick patients stay at Annotto Bay (such as the 30 week premie on CPAP or the new-onset diabetic, among others that are currently there.) Usually the reason for transfer to Bustamante is because the patient requires Pediatric specialty care, such as surgery or oncology. And as I think on it – the care we give back home in our rural non-pediatric hospital is very similar. We are 5 hours away from pediatrics specialists and care for a very similar level of sick patients. I stand corrected! Dr. Jeff
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ventilatorDid you know in Jamaica there is Universal healthcare coverage?
•Hospitals run by government
•Governments spend $125/person vs $5000/person in USA
•Doctors ratio – 8.5:10,000 people
•Dentist 1:17,000 people
•Pediatricians are subspecialists (children < 12 yo)
•Medical transport is limited
•Healthcare centers provide free vaccines
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My first day (8/5) was at Port Maria Hospital. We had a substitute driver named Justin. Steve was not available – never heard why… Justin is actually the X-ray tech at the hospital but became the driver for the morning as the X-ray machine was down for the day. (Didn’t hear if it was fixed) Had a tour of the facility from Dr. Brown, the Parish Manager. (equivalent to a County Health Officer?) Then they put me right to work.I saw Urgent Care type cases – first come, first served. It was right next to the ED – Which they call A&E here (I believe it’s for accidents and emergencies).  Saw a total of 6 patients only – I guess it was a slow day as the A&E was not busy when I arrived and the Peds Ward was rather quiet.Two of the patients were infants w/ constipation but otherwise healthy (they say “Can’t du du” here) and a young man with a cellulitis from nail puncture on his foot. The last patient I saw had a second occurrence of fever w/ bad leg pain – so bad he had trouble walking. Otherwise healthy kid. We got some blood work (one of the Jamaican doctors helped me – I haven’t drawn blood in 15 years!) which should elevated CK. I think it’s a viralmyositis because I had 2 patients in the past with something similar. The rest of the day was very slow – no more patients. On Tuesday (8/6) I am actually sitting here writing this beside the pool. Apparently it’s Jamaican Independence Day and a holiday. We were told not to come in today and wouldn’t have a driver anyways.  Tomorrow I am scheduled to go to Annotto Bay Hospital, a little further to the east from Port Maria.
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Two infant ventilators valued at over J$2,000,000.00 were officially donated to the Paediatric ward of the St. Ann’s Bay Regional Hospital on November 12, 2012 by the Issa Trust Foundation. The Foundation’s donation is a significant upgrade to the manual technique being used by the facility, called bag mask ventilation. Ventilators are machines used to provide breathing support for ill or premature babies, as often they are too weak to breathe properly on their own. Twelve boxes of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies were also presented to the facility. Dr. Coralie Antoine, Paediatric Consultant at the facility thanked the Issa Trust Foundation saying, “We frequently manage extremely premature infants and very ill infants with various respiratory conditions who require ventilatory support. In the past, we have had to rely on the availability of ventilators at Type A hospitals necessitating the transport of unstable infants under less than ideal conditions. With these ventilators, we will be able to better manage our newborns on site. This donation will go a long way in improving our perinatal and infant morbidity and mortality rates and will reduce the need for transport of these ill infants to other facilities…” Eleven nurses and five doctors from the facility also benefitted from ‘hands on’ training in the use of the special equipment. Training encompassed a myriad of topics which include; the care of intubated neonatal patients, revision of the components of the baby log ventilator and bag mask ventilation, among other key topics. Training facilitators Cheryl Dominick, RRT-NPS and Christine Franciscovich, MSN, CRNP, NNP- BC, who are volunteers from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, have been coming to the island for over five years to assist in the foundation’s mission. The critical nature of the machines and their necessity was brought immediately into focus as during the training two babies stopped breathing and were intubated by the volunteers, and the nurses and doctors who had just received training. One of the volunteers, Cheryl Dominick said, “We stood watching the baby’s chest not rising, saturations dropping …It became evident in that moment that more ventilators and immediate training were needed to save the lives of these babies in Jamaica.” Another team of volunteers is expected to return in January 2013 to continue the training as it was interrupted by the passing of Hurricane Sandy. Additionally, they will bring a biomedical technician to service the donated machines. Mrs. Diane Pollard, Chief Executive Officer of Issa Trust Foundation, said “Through our partnerships, our goal is to provide more kids and their families with what they need the most, their health; so that we can satisfy their boundless hopes and dreams of a healthy future.” The Issa Trust Foundation was established by the Couples Resorts and has been involved in the enhancement of paediatric health care in north-east Jamaica since January 2005. Their partnership with the North-East Regional Health Authority continues to yield positive results for patients, especially the paediatric clientele. The Foundation is also supported by the Fraternal Order of Eagles another donor organization in the USA, established in 1898. The Issa Trust Foundation has demonstrated a keen interest in the parish of St. Mary, targeting the hospitals, clinics and underserved areas in the parish. In July 2012 the Foundation donated a twenty foot container valued at US$ 150,000 to the St. Mary Health Services. They have also initiated strategic outreaches in Portland and St. Ann. Since 2012 they have also demonstrated much interest in developing the St. Ann’s Bay Regional Hospital. Contact: Shauna Llewellyn – Gordon Regional Public Relations and Advocacy Officer (Acting) North East Regional Health Authority (NERHA) Units 34-38 Ocean Village Shopping Centre Ocho Rios, Jamaica W. I. Tel: 795-0102, 795-3107 Mobile: 318-0104, 457-0638 Email: and Diane Pollard President & CEO Issa Trust Foundation Email:
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