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Stevie and I decided to blog every few days so here is our next update.  This rotation continues to be amazing.  It’s a great opportunity to help people  in need, sharpen your physical exam skills, learn from experienced clinicians and enjoy the beautiful country of Jamaica.  Friday was our first day at Port Antonio.  This hospital is over an hour away but the drive is breathtaking in areas– you can truly see multiple aspects of Jamaican culture en route.  When we got to Port Antonio, I took care of all the kids in the A&E and Stevie went to clinic.   There actually weren’t supposed to be peds patients in clinic on Friday but because Issa Trust has done such a great job of bringing in pediatricians, the community has learned we are now there on Friday.  As soon as word spreads that the pediatrician is there, the patients arrive.   Stevie took care of many interesting rash referrals from simple vaginal candidiasis to disseminated scabies to a complicated rash which was likely super imposed with a staph/strep bacterial infection.  Often times these rashes have progressed past stages we see in the US.  She asked several of the patients to return next week so we could follow up on their progress.  Look at that continuity of care even while we’re in Jamaica!!  In the A&E I saw several typical pediatric emergency patients — asthma exacerbations, gastroenteritis with mild dehydration and an interesting 8 week old with a large lateral neck mass whom I referred for an ultrasound and asked mom to return with the results.  The physicians and the patient families are very appreciative of our being there.  I had two of the physicians I worked with explain to me how helpful it would be to have a pediatrician on staff at all times but unfortunately in Jamaica that’s just not feasible.  All the physicians there are fabulous but they’re not pediatric trained and they are super busy with 3 of them covering almost the entire hospital.  It’s a clear that having an extra set of hands on deck can really help!!  I had one mother tell me that she’s wanted to see an actual pediatrician for so long and was so happy to hear earlier that week that we were coming on Friday!!  One final note about Port Antonio that I don’t want to forget to mention– it’s beautiful and Stevie and I went to explore the city during our lunch break.  It’s bustling with life and unfortunately we didn’t quite make it to the pier (we had to get back to the kiddos) but perhaps we’ll have icecream on the pier next week!!

This past weekend was the best weather we have had in Jamaica yet!!  Although I will admit Stevie and I both got a little too much sun on Saturday!!  Our weekend started Friday night with a lobster dinner at a fabulous restaurant at the resort.  After eating way too much for dinner, we enjoyed live music and delicious wine– the combination definitely had us dancing in our seats!  Saturday we spent the morning laying out on the beach relaxing and then took a catamaran  cruise in the afternoon.  The cruise was perfect– tasty drinks, driving the boat, swimming in the ocean and completing it all with an awesome dance party with all the others on board.  On Sunday we participated in our first excursion away from the resort when we went ZipLining through a mountain rainforest.  This was perhaps the coolest thing I have ever experienced.  We took a sky walker to the top of a mountain, went on 5 zip lines and then went “bobsledding” around the mountain.  This experience was amazing and I recommend it for anyone in Ocho Rios!!  The weekend concluded with an amazing Asian dinner at Bayside restaurant followed by a gorgeous night on the rooftop bar.  I continue to be grateful to Issa Trust for not only allowing us to take care of these adorable kiddos but also to get to experience this country in a way that otherwise would have been impossible during residency.  It’s true in Jamaica, no problems man!!

Now back to the real reason were here, to help the children of Jamaica.    Monday was spent back at Port Maria.  The morning started out much slower then it had the previous Tuesday but by the end it had picked up and we’d seen plenty of rashes, ear infections, respiratory infections and viral gastro.   We also saw several of the follow up patients from the weekend.  The afternoon can be challenging because often the lab closes and the pharmacy closes well before you are done seeing patients.  Sometimes you feel like you are treating patients without all the information.  However, you learn to trust your physical exam and your gut (sick vs not sick).  You also have to educate parents about what to watch for at home and when to bring the child back.  The same is true back home but it sometimes feels magnified here!  All  in all, another great day.

We just got back to the resort and it’s gorgeous today so we’re off to enjoy this weather!!

Sunburned but still happy

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You will find that there will be many opportunities for procedures, some as simple as drawing blood and placing IV’s.  The physicians are responsible for collecting all blood specimens for urgent lab testing and for placing IV’s in those patients who are to be admitted.  I found this a bit daunting at first as I do not get much opportunity to perform such procedures at my home institution.    As when performing any procedure, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the equipment first.  I had to remove a perfectly placed IV simply because I did not know how to secure it once it had been placed.

There is also quite a bit of obstructive uropathy secondary to benign prostatic hypertrophy.  This has given me the opportunity to replace several urinary and suprapubic catheters while I have been here.  While they have all of the supplies you will need, they are not all assembled in an organized kit.  It can be quite difficult to get everything together without the help of a nurse, and on a busy day in the A&E the help of a nurse is not always available.

I have also had the opportunity to do some suturing.  In both cases it was man versus machete, and the machete won.  Most cannot remember the last time they got a tetanus shot, so they all get one for good measure.  Most are not familiar with the term Tetanus but rather know of the disease by “Lock Jaw.”  In both cases the patients were very cooperative and the suturing went quick and easy.  I understand that sutures can be in short supply at times, so I found myself being very conservative with my thread so as not to waste.  In any case I can’t even imagine how difficult it would be to perform any of these procedures on kids, like my wife had to do!

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Over the past month I have had the opportunity to participate in Ward rounds at Annotto Bay Hospital, Port Antonio Hospital and at St. Anne’s Bay Hospital.  Each had their unique challenges.  Port Antonio Hospital is a local hospital in a fairly remote location.  The “house officer” on duty is in charge of both the male and female medical wards.  A lot of the cases are similar to those that I have seen in the states including Hypertensive Emergency, Hyperosmotic Hyperglycemia State, Exacerbation of Congestive Heart Failure, and Stroke.  The resources are limited, and as I have shared in previous blogs many of the diagnostic tests have to be done privately as the hospital does not own a CT scanner, Echo machine, or Ultrasound.  The “house officer” that I worked with was very kind and sought advice on how he could improve in caring for his patients.  Given the tough circumstances I think he is doing an outstanding job.

Annotto Bay hospital is a referral hospital of sorts.  The female medical ward is currently undergoing repairs after it was damaged by Hurricane Sandy.  This has required intermingling of male and female patients on the male medical ward.  There is also overflow of patients onto the male and female surgical wards.  The construction is almost done and they should be moving the patients in the coming month.  Here two “house officers” and two “interns” manage both the male and female medical wards with input from a “consultant” who is board certified in Internal Medicine.  I would equate this to the attending, senior resident, and intern model.  However, the consultant is not their everyday, and may only physically round on patients 2 or 3 times a week.  He is always available by telephone if needed.  When he is there he is quick to teach and share his experience.  Annotto Bay has similar limitations and most of the diagnostic work-up must be done privately.  They do have the ability to perform basic x-ray and laboratory tests.  The morning is filled with pre-rounding and then rounding with the consultant.  The afternoon is consumed with coordination of care and phone conferencing with specialists in Kingston.  Discharges are performed in the afternoon, and their seems to be a disconnect between the hospital and the primary care physicians at the health centers.  There really is not good way to communicate hospital details to the physicians in the community.

I have spent the last week at St. Anne’s Bay Hospital which is the regional referral center.  The hospital is about twice as large as Annotto Bay hospital which is about twice as big as Port Antonio.  The hierarchy is similar with consultants, house officers, and interns.  Annotto Bay hospital is equipped with ultrasound and fluoroscopy, however, I understand that the ultrasound machine has been over heating and they are currently limited on the number of ultrasounds that they can perform each day.  Major testing such as CT scans and echocardiograms still have to be performed privately.  They do have two beds in a “High Dependency Unit,” which would be equivalent to our ICU without ventilators.  They have telemetry, continuous pulse oximetry, and they have one nurse that cares for the two patients.  I find that the cases are a little more severe at St. Anne’s Bay.  For example, a young many with Ackee poisoning, known to cause hypoglycemia and anion gap metabolic acidosis, had to be transferred from one of the smaller local hospitals to St. Anne’s as they lacked the resources to complete his work-up and give him adequate treatment.  Even with his transfer the patient did not do well and subsequently expired.  I can’t help but wonder if his outcome would be different if the proper resources were available.  The physicians are well trained and are as efficient as the system allows.

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