Rounding on the inpatients with Dr. Ramos and the residents at Annotto Bay continues to be one of the highlights of our week. One patient in particular has captured our hearts, and we have had the opportunity to watch him improve and become more interactive from week to week. Such an amazing experience!
We just finished our first week in beautiful Jamaica — what an experience! Each site we visited had it’s own personality and availability of resources but two remain the same no matter where we are. First, Jamaican children are adorable. Second, Jamaican hospitality is second to none.
The first day at Port Maria was a bit of a whirlwind. With the help of the staff and a very knowledgeable matron (who is also a Justice of the Peace…and our hero) we found our way to the A and E (accident and emergency) and the Port Maria clinic. We saw a variety of conditions, some familiar to us (asthma, eczema, viral upper respiratory infections) and others that required some guidance for treatment from the local nurses and physicians. We went to Annotto Bay on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is a bigger facility and while it is not a teaching hospital, there are residents who work there and we had an hour long teaching session with them and the head pediatrician, Dr. Ramos. It was fun to see that the experience Jamaican residents have (rounding, being quizzed by the attending, etc) was very similar to our experiencing in the United States. On Friday we traveled to Port Antonio, which is also a larger facility with a beautiful view! Before we started work we were introduced to every (literally, every) hospital employee by Mr. Campbell (the Port Antonio hospital administrator). We’re pretty sure he told everyone to stop by with their children, as we saw the sons and daughters of multiple employees.
It is still hard to believe that when we leave work at the end of the day, we come back to the incredibly beautiful Couples Resort. The staff has been amazing and the views are incredible. We feel like we should buy a lottery ticket because we just might be the two luckiest pediatricians in the world right now.
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