Issa Trust Foundation has a very successful and sustainable pediatric model
with reportable outcomes. Therefore, we have been asked to provide medical
evaluation of all students during Camp Summer Plus. Dr. Jeff Segar, Leads
the Team and stated ³evaluation will include a physical exam, basic blood
tests, hearing and vision screening, pharmacy medications if needed and
Flouride treatments. If eyeglasses are needed, they will be provide onsite
through our partnership with Michigan Lions Club. A questionnaire has also
been developed to assist the team in identifying risk factors for impaired
learning. Collectively, the data will assist in identifying potential future
interventional measures designed to promote learning in this population.
Medical clinics will be held:
- Sam Sharpe Teacher’s College, Montego Bay on July 13th
- Cedar Grove Academy, St. Catherine on July 14th
- College of Agriculture Science & Education (CASE), Portland on July 15th
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